terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012


deixa-me dissipar a nuvem
que cobre o lago.

ao luar, eu, sacerdote,
num gesto largo, percorro o céu,
lanço ao ar, na ponta do objecto afiado, um encantamento,
que como pó de estrelas cai sobre as águas quietas.

os meus pés mergulhados e o teu corpo submerso... o teu corpo...

queria ressuscitar a tua vida:
ao corpo dar a voz
à voz imprimir o gesto,
com o gesto rasgar o olhar
e no olhar conjurar a alma.

vivesses de novo tu para mim,
morreria eu por, de novo, não saber amar-te.

quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012


priveligiamos a amizade
e sobre ela o amor
e sobretudo a paixão

ou não?!

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

of all my uncertainties

there should be answers
free associations of words
like glimpses, sparkles, explosions
words that could convene some meaning
to my eerie thoughts about you

“you”! is not simple
“you”! is a world in itself
and traveler i am.
in your life you can only chart a small portion of land,
not to mention the big ocean, the sea.
i will know little about you,
a small fraction, an idea
and eventually, even less about me.
'though i will try,
and know more.

see, i am a selfish bastard!
i don’t know a thing about meaning, about you.
less about us...
there are interesting thoughts
about us!

you keep running away
looking for yourself
writing helpless sentences about life and death,
courage and deceit,
passion and love and betrayal and hate
throwing cries of help to the wind
looking to reach out to someone that can:
teach, dominate, trust, learn, share, enjoy, contain
love you

we never talked about love,
once or twice we talked about passion.
passion is an understatement,
food for thought,
when it comes to us
an uncertainty,
not even that!